2015年6月15日 星期一

[英文] break/come/get/hold/take片語整理


break the ice 破冰; 打破僵局
break a habit 戒掉壞習慣
Break a leg! 祝你好運
break free 掙脫; 擺脫
break up 驅散; 學校放學
break away from 脫離; 逃說; 斷絕往來/改變某種習慣
break the money 換零錢
break down (談判/關係)破裂, 失敗; (機器)故障, 停止運轉; 崩潰; 分解
break in 馴服; 闖入; 逐漸習慣使用某產品
break into (尤其指竊盜)闖入(屋內); 打斷
break off 斷絕; 結束; 暫停工作/休息; 忽然停止講話; 折斷
break out (戰爭之類的)爆發; 逃出
break through 突破; 打破; 包圍
on a break 分開; 暫時的分手
break the bank 把存款花完了; 吃土
break out pimples/acne 突然地冒痘痘
break your neck to VR 盡力去做

take part (in) 參加 = participate in
take over 接管; 接管; 接任
take care 小心; 注意
take back 收回; 拿回; 使回憶起
take off 起飛; 脫掉; 取消
take up 拿起; 從事; 開始
tak eon 承擔; 呈現; 接受
take in 接受; ..進入
take down  記下; 寫下; 拿下
take for 認為; 誤以為
take a chance = take a risk 冒險
take a look 看一看
take account of 體諒; 考慮到
take action 採取行動
take advantage of 利用
take by storm 征服
take charge of 負責
take in hand 控制
take medicine 吃藥
take note of 注意
take one’s life = commit suicide 自殺
take pains 盡力
take shelter 避難
take sides 偏袒
take stock in 相信
take the consequences 承擔後果
take the filed 開戰
take the mickey 嘲弄
take turns 輪流
take a seat 坐下
take a walk 散步
take out 取出
take place 發生; 舉行
take away 帶走
take the offensive 發動攻勢
take wings 飛走
take the rap 受斥責
take apart 拆開
take effect 生效

come out 出來; 出櫃; 上市
come up 出現; 升起; 走進; 發生
come up with想出(主意/構想); 提出(計畫/答案)
come up to 達到; 符合
come about 發生; 造成
come and go 不斷變化
come clean 招供; 什麼都說了
come along (with) 陪伴; 進行; 進步
come over 造訪; 拜訪
come to 尋求協助; 恢復知覺; (金額)總計
come to one’s way 同意
come on the scene 出現
come into 繼承; 取得
come into collision with 相撞; 衝突
come into force  開始有效; 開始實行
come down to earth 回到現實
come forward 被提出來討論; 站出來; 自告奮與
come into operation 開始運轉; 實行; 施行; 生效
come into question 被討論
come loose 鬆掉
come on 跟著來; 逐漸開始; 進展; 上演
come to a head 到了緊要關頭
come to mind 突然想到
come into being 產生; 形成
come a long way 進步很多
come full circle 回到原點
come in 得到了名字; 到達; 流行起來
come across (無意中)碰到
come by 走過
come around 復原; 甦醒
come to an end 結束
come to light 被發現; 眾所皆知
come to terms 達成協議
come near 接近
come off it 住口!別吹牛
come to the front 出人頭地
come together 集合
come to the point 到了要點
come apart 破碎
come to nothing 失敗
come true (夢想等等)實現
come to pass 發生; 實現
come away 離開; 脫落
come down 下降
comet through 脫險; 度過難關
come over 過來
come in handy 派上用場; 很有用
come down with 得了(感冒)
come into 進入

get along 離開(place); (與人)相處好; 進展
get away 離開; 逃避
get back 回家; 回去; 恢復, 取回; 重新回舞台(通常為執政)
get down 錄下, 寫下; 吞下
get by 勉強度入
get going 出發
get…across (message)傳達給
get down to 開始做某事; 認真將某事處理好
get in 進入, 上車; 進站, 到達; 插話; 收割
get off 下車, 下班; 動身, 出發, 起飛; 從輕/免於受罰
get on 上車; 過日子; 進展; 進步 應付, 對付; 相處
get out 出來, 離開, 退出; 取出; 出版, 發表; 洩露
get out of 放棄, 戒掉; 逃避
get through 做完; 用完; 吃完; 看完; 通過(考試); 接通(電話); 度過(時間)
get over 走過; 越過; 克服; 恢復痊癒; 戰勝
get up 打扮; 舉辦; 起床
get doing 繼續從事某事; 開始從事某事
get rid of = avoid 避免; 擺脫

hold on 抓住; 等一下
hold up 阻礙; 推舉; 支撐; 攔截
hold off 拖延
hold one’s togue 保持沈默
hold over 延期 (postpone)
hold out 堅持; 抱有(hope)
hold onto 緊緊地抓住; 保持
hold still 靜止不動
hold against..(某人)抱持著成見; 抱住
hold back 控制; 退縮; 阻止
hold down 壓制; 保住(position)
hold to 遵守信用; 使遵守(約定)

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