2015年5月14日 星期四

[英文] 生活應用英文單元:正妹 帥哥 男神 女神 英文怎麼說?


☛ hottie (n.) [口語] 正妹/帥哥
[a very attractive person]
e.g. He/She is such a hottie!
他是個帥哥 / 她是個正妹

☛ cutie (n.) [口語] 有魅力的男/女生 (hottie比較帥/)
[someone who you might think is attracting]
[physical attraction]
[cute, sexy, and what the person is wearing]
e.g. Oh god! Check out that cutie over there.

☛ dream girl (n.) 女神(有車/有房/有學歷/好身材/超正/好工作/千金小姐/個性超好/獨立/在一起之後願意清理家裡/不傲嬌/廚藝超強)

☛ prince charming (n.) 男神; 白馬王子(可望不可及,神一般的完美存在)

☛ omnipotent (adj.) 全能的; 萬能的; 無所不能的 -> 這可形容男神的無所不能
[having unlimited power; able to do anything]
e.g. How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering?

☛ hunk (n.) 帥哥(通常有腹肌還有性感的身材)
[an attractive male, usually with nice chiseled abs and a very sexy tan]
e.g. Even though Shawn is a math teacher, he sure is a hunk.

☛ stud (n.) 帥哥

☛ eye candy (n.) 正妹;帥哥
e.g. Miranda is such an eye candy. Looking at her makes my day!

利用成績單上的分數去評論一個人的外貌(A- 極好的 ; 1-10)
e.g. Look at that cute girl! She is an A!
e.g. The hunk living next to me is absolutely a 10.

☛ lovely (adj.) 美麗的; 令人垂涎的
[another word for beautiful or desirable]
e.g. She looked lovely in the candle light.

☛ hot (adj.) 正妹;帥哥(程度到了讓人想與他調情的/發生關係的地步)
[(1) one who is gorgeous/ pretty/ beautiful/ cute/ attractive]
[(2) one who you would flirt with/ have sexual relations with]
[(3) one who makes you flip/ crazy/ nutty/ pass out/ drool/ fantasize]
e.g. Caroline is so hot! I cannot even breathe when seeing her.

☛ juicy (adj.) [有點粗俗的俚語] 性感的(好身材、白皙皮膚)
[term given to a young girl with high sex appeal, fresh skin and a shapely figure]

☛ charming (adj.) 可愛的; 迷人的; 有魅力的
[pleasant and attractive]
e.g. We had dinner with our director and his charming wife.

☛ good-looking (adj.) 好看的; 漂亮的
[describe a physically attractive man or woman]
e.g. He’s very good-looking but not terribly bright.

☛ stunning (adj.) 令人瞠目結舌的; 極漂亮的; 極迷人的
[extremely beautiful or attractive]
e.g. Teressa is stunning. No wonder she stands out from the models during the show.

☛ attractive (adj.) 漂亮的; 悅耳的; 有魅力的; 誘人的
[very pleasing in appearance or sound, or causing interest or pleasure]
e.g. a very attractive young woman
e.g. I find him very attractive (= He attracts me sexually.)

☛ gorgeous (adj.) 極其漂亮的; 美麗動人的; 令人愉快的
[very beautiful or pleasant]
e.g. What a gorgeous room/dress/color!
e.g. The bride looked gorgeous!

☛ captivating (adj.) 令人著迷的; 吸引人的
e.g. She is so captivating that I cannot take my eyes off her!

☛ charismatic (adj.) 充滿個人魅力的
[describe a person who has charisma]
e.g. Few were able to resist this charismatic and persuasive leader.

(以上字典取自: urbandictionary.com | dictionary.cambridge.org )

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