2015年6月24日 星期三

[英文] 八種常用句型八種- (6)


 there is a general consensus/agreement that… 大家普遍知道
e.g. There is a general consensus that it is rather detrimental to the health of human to take drugs.

there has been a proliferation of studies on… 已有越來越多關於的研究
e.g. There has been a proliferation of studies on why people living in pressure tend to age fast.

sth has gained increased attention over the years …許多年來已經獲得越來越多的關注
e.g. Drinking issue has gained increased attention over the years and many measures are taken to deal with it.

sth turn out to be a blessing in disguise 某事竟然是塞翁失馬焉知非福
e.g. Ms. Chou’ claiming Miss Hung’s educational background is fake turns out to be a blessing in disguise since it makes her even more popular.

without a doubt = undoubtedly 毫無疑問的
e.g. Without a doubt, she had a plastic surgery since her face looks extremely unnatural.

it is indisputable that…. 毫無疑問的是
e.g. It is indisputable that the live-action film of dragon balls is a tragedy.

keep abreast of/with 並駕齊驅
e.g. In order to keep abreast of her rival, Caroline spared no efforts to improve her English and made up her mind not to let her parents down.

be associated with 有關聯
e.g. The accident seems to be associated with Max since she is always driving under influence and never pays attention to the roads.

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