2015年5月18日 星期一

[英文] 八則俚語分享時間 Slang & Idioms


[1] unring the bell意識到來不及挽回的錯誤 ; 無法彌補的錯誤
[the unfortune realization that any given time sensitive condition cannot be done]
e.g. I wish I didn’t run over the kid while I was texting while driving; can’t unring the bell.

[2] get these hands (某人)屁股
[you are about to get your ass beat]
e.g. A: You are so ugly!
B: What? You are about to get these hands!
A: 你好醜唷! B: 啥?我要打你的屁股!

[3] find your silence 請某人安靜一點
[a request that somebody be quiet, stop talking, etc.]
e.g. You are driving me nuts! I am going to need you to find your silence.

[4] verbal punches 言語攻擊
[to say things intended to hurt another]
e.g. I couldn’t stop myself from jumping on her. She was throwing verbal punches at me since I walked in the door last night until now, I couldn’t take anymore.

[5] Google University 一種社會現象,關於評論者喜歡利用網路上未認證、不精確的來源之知識來驗證自己的論點
e.g. After reading a ridiculous comment from someone that posted a link:
“Oh look, someone got their degree from Google University.”

[6] web shite (n.) 很糟的網站
e.g. Oh my goodness! What a shitty web shite is this?

[7] man on the moon 與眾不同的人(好的方面)
[a person who is not an outcast but different from everyone else. A unique person, different in a good way]
e.g. That guy in the corner is a man on the moon heard he was actually cool.

[8] service the account (口語中較委婉的說法) 人類的自慰行為
[a euphemism for masturbating, especially at work]
*euphemism (n.) 委婉
*masturbate (V.) 自慰行為
*masturbation (n.) 自慰行為

(以上取自 urbandictionary.com)

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