2015年5月11日 星期一

[英文]【生物學】肉食性/草食性/雜食性- 英文名稱


carnivorous (adj.) 食性性的; 食肉的; 肉食的
*carnivore (n.) 食肉動物
[an animal that eats meat]
: Lions and tigers are carnivores.
: 幽默用法] I did mostly vegetarian food but put a couple of meat dishes out for the carnivores (=people who eat meat).

flesh-eating (adj.) 食肉的

rapacious (adj.) 【動物學】(猛禽)捕食動物的
: Rather than business school teachers, the professors come across as zoologists contemplating the hunting, feeding habits of a rare and rapacious species.

zoophagous (adj.) 食肉動物的

sarcophagous (adj.) 肉食的; 食肉的

herbivorous (adj.) 食草的; 草食的
*herbivore (n.) 食草動物; 草食動物
[an animal that eats only plants]
: Cows and sheep are herbivores.

plant-eating (adj.) 食植物的

phytophagous (adj.) 食植物的
phytophagic (adj.) (昆蟲)食植物的

vegan (n.) 純素食者; 嚴守素食主義者(不實用或不使用任何動物產品)
[a person who does no eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese or leather]
: Vegan get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, beans, and cereals.

fruitarian (n.) 常吃水果的人; 果實主義者

vegetarian (n.) 素食者; 食草動物 (adj.) 素食的; 素菜的

omnivorous (adj.) 雜食性的; 興趣廣泛的
(1) [naturally able to eat both plants and meat]
: Pigs are omnivorous animals.

(2)[enthusiastic and interested in many different areas of a subject]
: an omnivorous reader 涉獵廣泛的讀者

*omnivore (n.) 雜食動物
[an animal that is naturally able to eat both plants and meat]

polyphagous (adj.) 雜食的

polyphagia (n) 雜食性; 多食症

(以上字典取自: dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com )

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