2015年5月13日 星期三

[英文] 時事英文: 北韓金正恩處決高官事件


execution (n.) (依法進行的)處決、處死
[when someone is killed as a legal punishment]
e.g. Execution is still the penalty in some states for murder.
e.g. The executions will be carried out by a firing squad.

arrest (V.) 逮捕; 拘捕

A be accused of B A被指控/控告做了B

poison (V.)下毒 (n) ; 毒藥; 毒物

overthrow (V.) (用武力)推翻, 打倒; 打敗

malicious slander (n.) 惡意毀謗
*malicious (adj.) 惡意的; 惡毒的; 意在傷人的
*slander (n.) 毀謗; 詆毀

defense minister (n.) 武力部長

bombardment (n.) 連環砲擊; 轟炸

*bombard(V.) 連環砲擊; 轟炸

treason (n.) 叛國()

disloyal (adj.) 不忠的; 背叛的

North Korean delegation 北韓代表團

diplomacy (n.) 外交(手段)

international relations = foreign affairs (n.) 外交事務

fear politics 令人畏懼的政權

dictatorship (n.) 獨裁政體

autocracy (n.) 獨裁; 專制; 專政

massacre (n.) 大屠殺

conservatism (n.) 保守主義

reactionary (n.) 保守勢力

terrorism (n.) 恐怖主義

totalitarianism (n.) 極權主義

totalitarian state (n.) 極權國家

absolute monarchy (n.) 君主專制
= absolutism (n.) 絕對主義

Constitutional monarchy (n.) 君主立憲制; 有限君主制

corrupt (adj.) 腐敗的、貪腐的

turbulent (adj.) 動盪不安的

social movement (n.) 社會運動

GNP = gross domestic product 國內生產總值

GDP = gross national product 國民生產總值

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) = North Korea 北韓

Republic of Korea = South Korean 南韓

puppet state = puppet regime (n.) 傀儡政治
e.g. The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.
e.g. The character of authority of puppet government decided incapable paddling its own canoe on the finance.

(新聞參考CNN News: goo.gl/JKKuIy )

(字典參考: dictionary.cambridge.org )

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