odor (n.) (常指難聞的)氣味; 臭味 (英式拼法是odour,美式拼法odor)
[a smell, often one that is unpleasant]
例: Inside the room there was the unmistakable odor of sweaty feel.
例: Inside the room there was the unmistakable odor of sweaty feel.
【body odor (n.) 體臭、狐臭、汗臭】
stench (n.) 惡臭; 臭氣
[a strong unpleasant smell]
例: the stench of rotting/burning rubber/cigarette smoke
例: the stench of rotting/burning rubber/cigarette smoke
stink (V.) 散發異味; 發出難聞的氣味
[to smell very unpleasant]
例: Your feet stink!
例: Your feet stink!
例: The morning after the party, the whole house stank of
beer and cigarettes!
stinky (adj.) 難聞的; 有異味的
[having or producing an unpleasant smell]
例: stinky cheese
malodorous (adj.) 難聞的; 惡臭的
[having an unpleasant smell]
例: The town is built on a malodorous swamp.
[having an unpleasant smell]
例: The town is built on a malodorous swamp.
* malodour (n.) 惡臭
reek (V.) 發出臭味; 發出難聞的氣味
[to have a strong unpleasant smell]
例; Her breath reeked of garlic.
[to have a strong unpleasant smell]
例; Her breath reeked of garlic.
niff [不正式] (n.) 難聞的氣味; 臭味
[an unpleasant smell]
例: a nasty niff 惡臭
whiff [不正式] (n.) 一陣氣味,一股味道
[a slight smell, carried on a current of air]
例: He learned towards me and I caught/got a whiff of
pong [不正式] (n.) 臭氣; 難聞的氣味
[an unpleasant smell]
例: What a pong! 好難聞的氣味
hum[不正式] (n.) ; guff [不正式] (n.) ; funk [不正式]
(n.) 惡臭
underarm (adj.) 腋窩(用)的; 腋下(用)的
[of or for use in the armpit (hollow place under the arm
where the arm joins the body)]
例: underarm deodorants/hair
例: underarm deodorants/hair
腋下除臭劑/ 腋毛
microbial (adj.) 微生物的; 由細菌引起的
substance (n.) 物質; 主旨; 實質
catabolism (n.) 分化作用; 異化作用
innocuous (adj.) 無害的; 無毒的
deodorant (n.) 除臭劑
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