2015年4月21日 星期二

[英文] 時事英文系列- 地震、下雨、暴戾之氣英文怎麼說?


地質系 (n.) Department of Geosciences
*earth science (n.) 地球科學; 地學
*geoscience (n.) 地球科學
地質專家 (n.) geoscientist

暴戾之氣 (adj.) fierce and malicious
: Allen is always fierce and malicious towards his friends without caring about how they feel. Consequently, he is isolated recently.

*fierce (adj.) 猛烈的; 激烈的; 駭人的
[physically violent and frightening]
: a fierce attack/battle
*malicious (adj.) 惡毒的; 惡毒的; 意在傷人的
[intended to harm or upset other people]
: malicious gossip
: a malicious look in his eyes

斷章取義- something that is taken out of context
: [Critic] “How could you possibly claim that you want to rape and murder every single minority in the country?”
[Politician] “I did say that, but it taken out of context.”
此則資料來源- urbandictioncary.com )

plate tectonics (n.) 板塊構造學
plate motion (n.) 板塊運動
orogeny (n.) 造山運動
earthquake (n.)
tremor (n.) 輕微地震; 小地震 [a slight earthquake]
quake (n.)
microseism (n.) 微弱的地殼震動

rainfall (n.) 下雨; ()雨量
precipitation (n.) 降水; 降落(尤指雨或雪)
drizzle (n.) 下雨; 零星下雨; 毛毛雨
mizzle (n.) 濛濛細雨
torrent (n.) 洪流; 激流

soil (n.) 泥土; 土壤
earth (n.) 土壤
loam (n.) 沃土; 肥土
dirt (n.) 塵土; 泥土; 灰塵
clay (n.) 黏土; 陶土
turf (n.) 草皮; 草皮塊
topsoil (n.) 表土()

According to my observations, the rainfall seems to have something to do with the earthquake.

Based on my personal experiences, the rainfall seemingly has something to do with the earthquake.

喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes

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