2015年5月5日 星期二

[英文] 受到法文影響的英文單字彙整


cliché (n.) /ˈkliː.ʃeɪ/  陳腔濫調; 老生常談; 老套的話
clichéd (adj.) 陳腔濫調的
[a comment that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting]
: My wedding day – and I know it’s a cliché – was just the happiest day of my life.
: He made some clichéd remark about the birth of his first child completely changing his life.

concierge (n.) /ˌkɒn.siˈeəʒ/ 
(1) (尤指法國的) 大樓管理員; 看門人
(2) (幫助客人安排戲票、餐館等事宜的) 旅館服務台職員
(3) 大型公司僱來為其他員工辦事(如採購)的僱員

voila (n.)  /ˌvwɑːˈlɑː/ (用於展示得意之作等) , 那就是
: Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried unitl golden, and sprinkled with salt – voila! Tortilla chips.
玉米粉圓餅可以切成長條,炸至金黃色,再撒上些鹽- 瞧!這就是墨西哥炸玉米條

déjà vu (n.) 似曾經歷過的感覺; 似曾相識的感覺  /ˌdeɪ.ʒɑːˈvuː/
[the strange feeling that in some way you have experienced already what is happening now]

: When I met her, I has a strange feelings of déjà vu.
: The movie has a strong sense of déjà vu about it.

fait accompli (n.) 既成事實
: The policy change was presented to us as a fait accompli, without consultation or discussion.

cul-de-sac (n.) 死胡同; 困境; 死路; 僵局
[a short road which is blocked off at one end]
[a situation which leads nowhere]
: an intellectual cul-de-sac 學術上的死胡同

haute conture (n.) 精品時裝(); 高級時裝()

venison (n.) 鹿肉

poultry (n.) 家禽

mutton (n.) 羊肉

buffet (n.) 自助餐

garcon (n.) (法國餐館裡的) 男服務生; 男侍者

entrepreneur /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr/  (n.)  (尤指涉及風險) ; 創業
[someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity]
: He was one of the entrepreneurs of the eighties who made their money in property.
*entrepreneurial (adj.)
: She’ll make money – she’s got that entrepreneurial spirit.

cuisine (n.) 烹飪; 烹調
* exotic cuisine 異國烹飪

rendezvous (n.) (尤指秘密的) 約會; 會面
: We have rendezvous for next week, don’t we?
: The lovers met at a secret rendezvous in the park.

bouquet (n.) 花束
a bouquet of flowers

avant-garde (adj.) 前衛的; 先鋒派的

deluxe (adj.) 豪華的; 高檔的
: a deluxe hotel in Paris 巴黎的豪華飯店

astound (V.) 使震驚; 使驚駭
: The news astounded me. 聽到這消息我非常震驚

boutique (n.) 賣流行服飾的小商店; 精品店
: the country’s educated elite 這個國家受過良好教育的菁英
: a member of the elite 上層集團的一員
: A powerful and corrupt elite had bled this country dry.

elite (n.) (社會)上層集團; 掌權人物; 出類拔萃的人; 菁英

connoisseur (n.) (藝術品/食品/飲料等) 鑑賞家; 鑑定家; 行家

de facto (adj.) 事實上的; 實際上的
: The city is rapidly becoming the de facto centre of the financial world.
: He’s her de facto husband though they’re not actually married.

mayday (m’aider) (n.) (船隻、飛機發出的) 無線電求救訊號

ensue (V.) (尤指作為結果而) 接著發生; 繼而發生; 因而產生
[to happen after something else, especially as a result of it]
: The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle has ensued.

famine (n.) 飢荒; 饑荒時期
[when there is no enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death, or a particular period when this happens]
: Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
: There were reports of refugees dying of famine.

memoir (n.) 傳記; 傳略
[a book or other piece of writing based on the writer’s personal knowledge of famous people, places or events]
: She has written a memoir of her encounters with W.H. Auden over the years.
*memoirs (複數) (n.) 回憶錄; 自傳

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