2015年9月23日 星期三

[遊學日誌] Idiom慣用語主題 - 身體部位【腿】


☛ 腿部主題 (foot 單數 / feet 複數)
ankle 腳踝 
toe 腳趾頭 
big toe 大腳趾頭
toe nail 腳指甲 
heel 腳跟
high heel 高跟鞋

sprain (V.) 扭傷
e.g. I sprain my ankle. 我腳踝扭傷了

stub (V.) 碰踢
e.g. I stubbed my toe. 我大拇指碰踢(到東西)

trip (V.) 失足; 絆倒
e.g. I tripped on a rock. 我被石頭絆倒

barefoot (adj./ adv.) 裸足的
e.g. I'm barefoot on the beach.
e.g. I walk barefoot on the beach.

ticklish (adj.) 怕癢的
e.g. My feet are ticklish.


put your foot in your mouth 說些尷尬的話
e.g. I put my foot in my mouth when I said his wife is fat.

put your best foot forward 給好印象
e.g. At the job interview he put his best foot forward.

have two left feet 跳舞很爛
e.g. He has two left feet! 他跳舞真的很爛!

get your feet wet 嘗試新的事物
e.g. I never played hockey before. My friends asked me to play. So I decided to get my feet wet.

have both feet on the ground 很有道理 ; 很有智慧
e.g. She really has both feet on the ground.

have your head in the clouds 沒有集中注意力
e.g. He has his head in the clouds. 他沒有集中注意力。

be on your feet all day 整天都在工作
e.g. I was on my feet all day! 我那時整天都在工作!

get cold feet 感到緊張並且改變計劃
e.g. I was going to get married. But I got a cold feet and I cancelled the wedding.

get off on the wrong foot 給壞印象
e.g. I got off on the wrong foot with my new boss because I was late.

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