☛ ethnicity 【由後天自我文化認同決定】(n.) 民族、民族特點
- a large group of people who have the same national, racial, or cultural origins, or the state of belonging to such a group
e.g. Glenn placed no importance on ethnicity.
* ethnic (adj.) 民族的
* ethnic group = ethnicity
☛ race 【由天生外表判斷(膚色等等)】(n.) 種族、人種
- a group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group.
e.g. Maggie is against race prejudice.
* racial discrimination 種族歧視
e.g. Don't judge a person by his/her race.
* racial (adj.) 種族的
* racism (n.) 種族主義
* racist (n.) 種族歧視者
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