2015年10月12日 星期一

[遊學日誌] Idiom慣用語主題 - 下雨

☛ pour (V.) 下大雨e.g. It is pouring.

☛ drizzle (V.) 毛毛雨
e.g. It is drizzling

☛ spit (V.) light rain 小雨
e.g. It is spitting.

☛ rain cats and dogs 傾盆大雨
e.g. It is raining cats and dogs. 現在下著傾盆大雨

☛ downpour (n.) 大雨
e.g. It is a downpour. 這下著大雨

☛ shower (n.) 不間斷的下雨
e.g. Tomorrow there will be showers.
There were showers.

☛ thunderstorm (n.) 雷陣雨
e.g. There will be a thunderstorm. 這即將會有雷陣雨

☛ puddle (n.) small pool of weather 小沼澤
e.g. Don't step in that puddle! I stepped in a puddle.

☛ The weather/ It/ They call(s) for thunderstorms.

☛ get caught in the rain: 下雨卻沒有帶傘
e.g. I got caught in the rain. 下雨了我卻忘了帶傘

☛ drenched (adj.) 完全濕透了
e.g. He's drenched. He's soaked. 他完全濕透ㄌㄜ

☛ rain on someone's parade 當人感覺好時,給他壞消息(潑冷水)
e.g. Don't rain on my parade! 不要潑我冷水!

☛ When it rains, it pours.

☛ What's it like out? 現在天氣如何? (口語)

☛ What's the weather tomorrow? 明天天氣如何? 

☛ It is raining on and off. 時有時停的下雨

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