2015年10月3日 星期六

[遊學日誌] Idiom慣用語主題 - 冒險/風險

☛ risk (V.)  - do something dangerous with uncertain results (good/ bad)
e.g. I don't want to risk my money/job.

☛ risk (N.) - something dangerous/ uncertain results
e.g. I don't like risk.  我不喜歡冒險
e.g. Smoking is a risk. 抽菸有風險
e.g. Moving to a new country is a risk. 搬到新國家是種冒險

☛ risky (adj.) 有風險的
e.g. Smoking is risky. 抽菸是有風險的

☛ take risks = take a risk
e.g. I like to take risks. 我喜歡冒險
e.g. I took a risk when I moved to NYC. 搬到紐約市是種冒險

☛ take a chance 冒險
e.g. She took a chance when she changed jobs.

☛ pay off - have a good result 有了好結果
e.g. I took a chance and it paid off.

☛ turn out good/bad 結果是好/壞的
e.g. I took a risk. It turned out bad.

☛ play it safe - do something safe/certain 做安全/肯定的事
e.g. He plays it safe. 他打了安全牌

☛ risk taker - person who enjoys risk 喜愛冒險的人
e.g. My brother is a risk taker.

☛ adrenaline = chemical in your body that makes you excited
e.g. I felt adrenaline. 我感到腎上腺素

☛ risky business: something that is risky (泛指所有冒險的事)
e.g. Smoking is risky business. 抽菸是很冒險的

☛ big risk (n.)
e.g. Smoking is a big risk. 抽菸是很大的冒險

☛ health risk (n.) 
e.g. Smoking is a health risk. 抽菸是對健康的冒險

☛ Look before you leap. 三思而後行
- Before taking a risk, you must carefully think about the results.

☛ Better safe than sorry. 打安全牌
- Don't take a risk. Do the safe thing.

☛ jump into (V.) - immediately do something 立刻做某事
e.g. I don't want to jump into it.

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