2015年10月13日 星期二

[遊學日誌] Idiom慣用語主題 - 爭吵

☛ argue (V.) 吵架 fight with words
e.g. He argues with his roommate. 他與室友爭吵
e.g. They argue over/about the rent. 他們為了租金爭吵

☛ arguing (n.) 爭吵
e.g. I don't like arguing. 我不喜歡爭吵

☛ argument (n.) 爭吵
e.g. We had an argument. 我們有爭吵
e.g. We got in an argument. 我們有爭吵

☛ argumentative (adj.) 喜好爭吵的
e.g. He is argumentative. 他喜好爭吵

☛quarrel = argue (V.) 爭吵 (英國人較愛用)
e.g. They quarrel over money. 他們爭吵關於錢的事

☛ bicker = argue about small things 為了小事爭吵
e.g. The children bicker over sharing their toys.

☛ pick an argument 故意引起爭吵
e.g. She picked an argument with him. 她故意與他爭吵

☛ bring up 在爭吵中提及某事
e.g. She brought up his gambling habit.  他在爭吵中提及他賭博的習慣
e.g. Don't bring up ___! 不要提起___!

☛ raise your voice 讓聲音大聲
e.g. He raised his voice. 他讓聲音變大

☛ win/lose
e.g. She won the argument. 她在爭吵中贏了 He lost.

☛ be caught in the middle 成為中間人
e.g. I was caught in the middle. 我成為中間人

☛ take sides 選邊站; 支持一方
e.g. I took her side. 我支持她
e.g. I didn't take his side. 我沒有支持他

☛ make up 和好
e.g. We made up. 我們和好了

☛ stay out of it 不要加入爭吵
e.g. Stay out of it! = None of your business! 不要加入爭吵!
e.g. I'll stay out of it. 我不想加入爭吵

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