☛ 耳朵主題
sound (V.) (n.) 聽 ; 聲音
hear (V.) 聽
hearing (n.) 聽力
pierce (V.) 穿洞
e.g. She pierced her ears. 她穿耳洞。
give one an earful(1) 與某人抱怨 (2) 告訴某人他做錯了某件事
e.g. My boss gave me an earful because I was late.
have nothing between one's ears 某人很愚蠢e.g. He has nothing between his ears.
play it by ear
[1] 很彈性 [2] 沒有做任何計劃e.g. What do you want to do this weekend?
-> I don't know. Let's play it by ear.
[1] 很彈性 [2] 沒有做任何計劃e.g. What do you want to do this weekend?
-> I don't know. Let's play it by ear.
pay through the nose 花太多錢e.g. I pay through the nose for rent.
put one's nose to the grindstone 工作很辛勤e.g. I have to put my nose to grindstone to study for an exam.
have your nose in a book ( = to read)e.g. She always has her nose in a book.
talk someone's ear off 騷擾某人 ; 令某人感到不舒適
e.g. I met this guy on the subway. He talked my ears off.
up to your ears in work 有很多工作要做
e.g. I'm up to my ears in work. 我有很多工作要做!
music to your ears 好的想法
e.g. Do you want to go to beach?
-> That's music to my ears.
你想要去海灘嗎?-> 這真是好的想法!
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