2022年4月17日 星期日

24個必學的英文慣用語:人與個性 | 感情 | 溝通 | 場景 | 時間


Idioms about people & personalities 關於人與個性的慣用語

• fit as a fiddle = very healthy and strong 非常健康與強壯

• wouldn't hurt a fly = inoffensive and harmless 無傷害性並且無害的

• on cloud nine = extremely happy 極度開心

• like a fish out of the water = very uncomfortable 非常不舒服

Idioms about relationships 關於感情的慣用語

• like two peas in a pod = two people who are always together 兩個一直相處的人

• give the cold shoulder = intentionally ignore someone 蓄意忽略某人

• rain in someone's parade = ruin one's plan or temper one's excitement 潑某人冷水

• cut him/her some slack = stop being so critical of him or her 停止批評他/她

Idioms about communications 關於溝通的慣用語

• beat around the bush = avoid talking about something 避免談論某事

• let the cat out of the bag = reveal a secret 透露一個秘密

• break the ice = get the conversation going 破冰

• pulling his/her leg = telling him or her something that is not true as a joke 告訴某人不真實的訊息作為笑話

• play the devil's advocate = argue against an idea, for the sake of debate

Idioms about different scenarios 關於不同場景的慣用語

• a perfect storm = the worst possible situation 最糟糕的情況

• a blessing in disguise = a good thing that seemed bad at sight 塞翁失馬焉知非福

• the best of both worlds = benefitting from two different opportunities at once 一次性從兩個機會當中受益

• when it rains it pours = everything is going wrong at once 所有事情都會立刻往錯誤的方向前進

• the elephant in the room = an obvious problem that people don't want to talk about 一個大家都知道但是不願討論的問題

Idioms about time 關於時間的慣用語

• once in a blue moon = rarely 很稀少地

• at the drop of a hat = at once, without any delay 一次性地

• hold your horses = wait a moment 稍等一下

• take a rain check = postpone a plan 延後計畫

• missed the boat = missed an opportunity 失去一個機會


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