2015年8月13日 星期四



unattractive (adj.) 難看的; 無吸引力的; 不引人注目的; 不美麗的; 不可愛的
[unpleasant to look at]
e.g. Caroline is so unattractive that nobody is willing to befriend her.

disgusting (adj.) 令人厭惡的; 讓人厭惡的; 使人反感的
[extremely unpleasant or unacceptable]
e.g. It is disgusting that Max is in a relationship with her father.

revolting (adj.) 極其討厭的; 使人反感的; 令人作噁的
[extremely unpleasant; disgusting]
e.g. a revolting smell of rotting cabbage

repellent (adj.) 令人討厭的; 使人反感的

repugnant (adj.) 令人厭惡的; 令人反感的
[if behavior or belief, etc. is repugnant, it is very unpleasant, causing a feeling of disgust]
e.g. a repugnant smell 令人作噁的氣味

grotesque (adj.) 怪誕的; 荒謬的; 醜陋的; 奇形怪狀的
[strange and unpleasant, especially in a silly or slightly frightening way]
e.g. Caroline now looks so grotesque because she’d had so much cosmetic surgery.

reptilian (adj.) (人或行為) 怪異的; 陰陽怪氣的; 不友善的
[describes an unpleasantly strange]
e.g. He turned a cold, reptilian gaze on me.

misshapen (adj.) 畸形的; 奇形怪狀的
[having an unusual shape or a shape which is not natural]
e.g. The drug caused some babies to be born with misshapen limbs.

deformed (adj.) 畸形的
[with a shape that has not developed normally]
e.g. deformed hands 畸形的手

homely (adj.) (人或容貌) 不好看的

fugly (adj.) [] 極度醜陋

unsightly (adj.) 不吸引人的; 醜陋的; 難看的
[not attractive; ugly]
e.g. He had undone the buttons of his shirt, exposing an unsightly expanse of white flesh.

frightful (adj.) (尤用於強調糟糕的程度) 可怕的; 討厭的
[used to emphasize what you are saying, especially how bas something is]
e.g. He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

ghastly (adj.) 可怕的; 恐怖的; 死人般的; 鬼一樣的; 蒼白的

gruesome (adj.) (通常用來描述死亡或者傷害) 令人厭惡的; 恐怖的; 可怕的
[extremely unpleasant and shocking, and usually dealing with death or injury]
e.g. The newspaper article included a gruesome description of the murder.

grisly (adj.) (尤指因涉及死亡或流血而) 令人厭惡的; 恐怖的; 可怕的
[extremely unpleasant, especially because death or blood is involved]
e.g. The 35-year-old Canadian had suffered an extremely grisly death.

foul (adj.) 令人不快的; 惡劣的
[extremely unpleasant]
e.g. Those toilets smell really foul!

vile (adj.) 邪惡的; 卑鄙的; 可恥的
[unpleasant, immoral and unacceptable]
e.g. This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped.

unprepossessing (adj.) 不討人喜歡的; 不吸引人的

hideous (adj.) 醜陋的; 可怕的; 駭人聽聞的

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