2020年3月8日 星期日



介系詞的英文是 preposition,可以理解為 pre + position 這個字首與字根的組合。

時間 Time

☛ on
- days of the week (週一、週二、週三...週日)
例:on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday

☛ in

- year 年
例:in 2020, in 2010

- time of day 單日內的時間區段 (早上、中午、晚上)
例:in the morning, in the afternoon

- months / seasons 月份、季節
例:in winter, in summer, in August

- after a certain period of time (在一段時間之後)
例:in an hour, in 30 minutes, in 60 seconds

☛ at

- for night (特別針對"夜晚")
例:at night

- for weekend (特別針對"週末")
例:at the weekend

- a certain point of time (特定的"時間點",而不是"一段時間")
例:at half past eight, at 21:00, at 08:34

** 這類有固定搭配的就要特別記起來

☛ since
- from a certain point of time (自從"某個特定時間點")
例:since 2010, since you met her, since last night

☛ for
- over a certain period of time [past till now] (在某個特定的時間區段之間 (沒有至今的含義))
例:for 2 years, for 2 hours, for 3 minutes

☛ ago
- a certain in the past (過去的時間點)
例:2 years ago, 3 hours ago, 3 minutes ago

☛ before
- earlier than a certain point of time (在某個時間點之前)
例:before 2010, before you met her, before 21:00

☛ to
- telling the time (表達時間)
例:ten to seven (6:50), five to eight (7:55)

ten to seven = 07:00 - 10 mins = 6:50
five to eight = 08:00 - 5 mins = 7:55

☛ past
- telling the time (表達時間)
例:ten past seven (7:10), five past eight (8:05)

ten past seven = 07:00 + 10 mins = 7:10
five past eight = 08:00 + 5 mins = 8:05

☛ to / till/ until
- marking the beginning and end of a period of time (表達時間的開始與結束)
例:from Monday to Friday = from Monday till/until Friday

☛ till/ until
- in the sense of how long something is going to last (表達一件事直到一個時間點持續多久)
例:Sherry is on leaves until Friday.

☛ by
- in the sense of at the latest (表達一件事情最晚何時會完成)
例:I will be back by 05:00pm. 

- up to a certain time (表達一件事直到一個時間點持續多久)
例:By 07:00, I have had dinner.

地點、方向 Place (Position and Direction)

☛ in
- room, building, street, town, country (房間、建築物、街道、小鎮、國家)
例:in the kitchen, in the living room, in London, in Japan

- book, paper, etc. (書、紙張)
例:in the book  

- car, taxi (車、計程車)
例:in the car, in the taxi

- picture, world (照片、世界)
例:in the picture, in the world

☛ at
- meaning next to, by an object (在某物旁邊)
例:at the door, at the station

- for table (特別針對"桌子")
例:at the table

- for events (特別針對"事件")
例:at a concert, at the party

- place where you are to do something typical (watch a movie, study, work) (針對那些日常會做的事情之地點,例如看電影、唸書、工作)
例:at the cinema, at school, at work

☛ on
- attached (黏在...)
例:the pictures on the wall

- for a place with a river (特別針對有河的地方)
例:London lies on the Thames.

- being on a surface (在表面)
例:on the table, on the desk

- for a certain side [left, right] (表達左邊或右邊)
例:on the left, on the right

- for a floor in a house (表達房子的某個樓層)
例:on the first floor, on the tenth floor

- for public transport (表達大眾運輸)
例:on the bus, on a plane

- for television, radio (特別針對電視收音機)
例:on TV, on the radio

☛  by, next to, beside

- left or right of somebody or something (在某人或某物的左邊/右邊)
例:Joseph is standing by/next to/beside the car.


- on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else (在陸地上,比某物還要低,或者被某物給覆蓋住)
例:The bag is under the table.

☛ below

- lower than something else but above ground (比某物還要矮低,但是在地面之上)
例:The fish are below the surface.

☛  over

- covered by something else (被某物蓋住)
例:put a jacket over the shirt

- meaning more than (表示比..更多)
例:over 20 years

- = across = getting to the other side (到另一邊)
例:walk over the bridge

- overcoming an obstacle (克服障礙物)
例:climb over the wall

☛ above

- higher than something else, but not directly over it (比某物還要高)
例:a path above the lake

☛ across

- getting to the other side = over (到另一邊)
例:walk across the bridge

☛ through

- something with limits on top, bottom and the sides (經過某個有高度、底部、或者邊界限制的道)
例:drive through the tunnel

☛ to

- movement to person or building (前往某個人或者建築物)
例:go to the cinema

- movement to a place or country (前往某個地點或者國家
例:go to Japan or Korea

- for bed (特別針對)
例:go to bed

☛ into

- enter a room / a building (進入一個房間或建築物)
例:go into the kitchen / the house

☛ towards

- movement in the direction of something, but not directly to it (往某物的方向移動)
例:go 10 steps towards the house

☛ onto

- movement to the top of something (在某物上面的移動)
例:jump onto the table

☛ from

- in the sense of where from (來自哪裡)
例:a flower from the garden

其他 Other Important Prepositions

☛ from

- who gave it (誰給的)
例:a gift from Joseph

☛ of

- who/what does it belong to (屬於誰 / 的)
例:a page of the book

- what does it show (展示什麼)
例:the picture of a palace

☛ by

- who made it (誰創作的)
例:a book by Joseph

- rise or fall of something (某物的漲跌)
例:prices have fallen / risen by 10%

- traveling, other than walking or horse-riding (除了走路或騎馬之外的交通方式)
例:by car, by bus

☛ on

- walking or riding on horseback (走路或騎馬)
例:on foot, on horseback

- entering a public transport vehicle (進入一個大眾運輸)
例:go on the bus

☛ in

- entering a car / taxi (進入一輛車或計程車)
例:get in the car

☛ off

- leaving a public transport vehicle (離開一個大眾交通)
例:get off the train

- away from a place or position, especially the present place, position, or time (離開一個地方)
例:She is off to Canada. 

- used with actions in which something is removed or removes itself from another thing (用來表達將某物卸下、脫掉)
例:take the jacket off, buttons come off, cut off hair

- especially of machines, electrical devices, lights - not operating because of not being switched on (因為沒有開啟,所以沒有運作的機器/電子用品)
例:turn/switch off the light

- off money, taken away from the original price (與原價有價差)
例:40% off, $40 off

- not at work; at home or on holiday (沒在工作; 在家或者在度假)
例:She is off at the moment.

☛ out of

- leaving a car / taxi (離開一輛車或計程車)
例:get out of the taxi

- no longer in a stated place or condition (已經不再存在一個聲明的地點或者一個狀態)
例:out of town, out of danger

* out of work 不再擁有工作、失業
* out of order 不再運作 (does not work)

- used to show what something is made from (用來表述某物是怎麼組成的)
例:made out of velvet

☛ at

- for age (年紀)
例:She learned English at 20.

☛ about

- for topics, meaning what about (關於)
例:We were talking about you.


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